Monday, October 4, 2010

Bit and Pieces of Amsterdam

Bits and pieces of Amsterdam... 

Sint Nicolaaskerk (Saint Nicholas Church)

Atrium in our apartment building >> very rare for Amsterdam!

Atrium at my office

Our lunch area at the office

This is smaller than the Smart Car

Ambulance with "Polite" written on the side. Polite is Police in Dutch. The emergency number here (North America's 9-1-1 number) is 1-1-2. Good to know ;)

Not much to report. Work's going well. Loving the fact that I have a home after a month in hostels. Tomorrow evening I'm having dinner with my office and then we're attending a lecture on architecture. Apparently the lecture is in Dutch, but somehow people at my firm were able to convince me that I should go anyway. Haha should be interesting. One of the other interns is going. She doesn't speak Dutch either. We'll be confused together!!!

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