Tonight I'm taking a break from my blog, and letting a guest blogger, my loving and wonderful Dad, post for a day =)
Back here in the Great White North, we anxiously wait for each day’s blog so we can feel like we too are in Amsterdam. Now we know Jen has had a very busy time in Amsterdam, with shelters, apartment hunting, bike hunting, visiting London, getting lost and walking (with a sore back and ankle) more than she needed to (because she was lost). So, today Jen gets a rest from blogging and her dad is blogging for her.
Jen has lots of friends in Europe: Jaewoo, Adrienne, Benny, Anshul Tony, Laura, Matt, Sarah and Monika just to name a few and it’s great to see pictures of them together laughing and enjoying Europe. And she has quite a few fans back here at home so I thought I’d let you know how life back at home is doing and let all your readers in on some trivia.
Now, Jen has been in Europe before: London and a Mediterranean cruise. So, she has had a little preparation for the Continent. Here is Jen and her Auntie Lyn (as in Jennifer Lynda Beggs) at St. Peter’s just after the climb to the cupola and back. This was just after we had an audience with the Pope (look hard for the halo).
And it was HOT, HOT, HOT, in Europe that year. Upon visiting Dubrovnik, Jen succumbed to the heat. Poor kid. So, Amsterdam rain ought to be a cinch
But Jen recovered by the time we returned to the Trevi Fountain. See, you threw in a coin which means your would return – AND YOU WILL!
So, how is Europe now? Well, Jen has had her adventures at Bob’s (ever see the movie “What About Bob?” – well, think of a place filled with Bobs). Registering many times over for many things, getting lost, taking trains, planes, trams, and aeroplanes. Yet, we’re green with envy. So, Jen, just so you don’t forget all us Canucks, here are a few things to remind you!
First, your Dog. She sends her love (and would really appreciate a cookie in return – she hasn’t had one in about 15 minutes).
And speaking of cookies, I hear you are on the search for cookies to be found at Lanskroon. Singel 385, Amsterdam. Well, here is a map so you don’t get lost.
Now we hear it is wet over in Amsterdam and we see your Canadian umbrella in your pictures. Well, it’s Fall here and getting cooler. Here’s a view of the sun going to bed.
Now, everyone who knows Jen knows her favourite pastime is gymnastics. Jen is an Elite gymnast herself (gymnasts are always gymnasts) and her back, ankle, wrist, neck hurties all attest to the things gymnasts do that mere mortals cannot do. And there’s the odd hurtie that has to do with falling down the stairs (twice).
Anyway, Jen is going to “Worlds” in Rotterdam (for those who are not gymnasts, “Worlds” is the World Gymnastics Championships – THE place to be). Now you are in the know. And so, when you are at Worlds we will watch your competition tapes and look over all your accomplishments.
And, for Jen’s friends, if you are out and about with her, be aware that at any moment, Jen might see a curb, or bar, or some object that could be construed as a beam or uneven bars, vault or floor, and she will feel compelled to execute a routine. And Jen, admit it, this is true. We have photos. Most would see the following picture as merely a set of stairs, but you, no. Most would merely walk down the stairs on their feet, but not for you.
And after Rotterdam Jen will visit Paris to see Laura and her mates there. Oh-la-la! So, where else is Jen off to? Prague to visit Monika, Cologne and London (for Les Mis) with Adrienne, Brussels (just because), and Cirque du Soleil in Amsterdam =).
And we back home are busy too! Mom went apple picking today but I think really just for the lunch. And I am off to Winnipeg (probably snowing), Halifax (likely wet), Vancouver (surely wet), back to Vancouver (still wet), then Ottawa and Edmonton (certainly snowing). It is so windy here today my pumpkin blew down the street! So those of us left behind are having exciting times too.
I think.
Jen has also had other excitements such as burning soap, using Photoshop in Dutch, discovering the office stocks Nutella and hot chocolate, the bicycle vendors are, well, not all there, the beauty of Amsterdam and the people, and making memories.
Well, this certainly has been a ramble but hopefully it gave Jen some time off to rest up and write her blog tomorrow night.
G’night all!
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